Scott: Next Federal Government Needs To Do More For RMWB

Whoever becomes the next federal government can expect a call early on from the RMWB.

Mayor Don Scott is hoping to see the next government become a champion for Wood Buffalo.

This includes becoming better advocates for the oil and gas sector and helping Canada’s economic workhorse get back to the old days before the downturn.

Speaking on Fort McMurray Matters, Scott says the relationship has been quite shaky over the past few years.

“A lot of people don’t have a sense that the federal government has a strong presence here and that’s absolutely right – we’ve had Bills that have not been helpful to this region that have been passed.”

The municipality has taken a firm stance against two recent Bills – C-69 and C-48.  Scott believes these laws, the delays in the Trans Mountain pipeline, and the lack of support for the oilsands has done immense damage to the region.

Over the past four years, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau did make multiple stops in Wood Buffalo during his term. The first being right after the Horse River wildfire and again in 2018 where he visited Suncor’s Fort Hills site.

Also, Ministers Amarjeet Sohi and Jim Carr have made stops in Fort McMurray.

“I want to see more participation in this region,” added Scott.

Wants and Needs

The municipality also has a wish list for the next federal government.

Topping it is the East Clearwater Highway.

“That’s something the federal government could pay for and they could partner up with the province and do that. That’s a great example of the infrastructure this region needs,” Scott said.

Also being asked for is rural broadband and better infrastructure support in Fort Chipewyan.

Election Day is October 21.

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