Survey Looking at Wellbeing of Local Small Businesses

A survey is being conducted to see how small businesses are doing across Fort McMurray.

The Fort McMurray Chamber of Commerce is recognizing Small Business Week from October 21 – 25 and this year they’re planning to meet with as many business owners as possible.

In partnership with Wood Buffalo Economic Development Corporation, Community Futures, the Northeastern Alberta Aboriginal Business Association, and the Government of Alberta, they are conducting a Business Visitation Program.

Executive Director Sheri Pidhirney tells Mix News they want to better understand what the common trend is across local businesses.

“One of the things we’ve heard from our membership is ‘how do you know what kind of workshops to put on, how do you know what programs to roll out if you haven’t really talked to us.’”

During previous weeks, the Chamber of Commerce would offer programs focused on different aspects of running a successful business.

This is the first time this program is being offered in Fort McMurray.

The goal is to survey around 300 businesses to get a more accurate answer.

“We hear everything from there’s a lot of challenges to there’s some pretty amazing success happening, so what I think we are hopeful we get that more holistic, sort of collective, understanding of what’s happening,” Natasha Hartson, Director, Entrepreneurship & Innovation with WBEDC.

Crews will be going door-to-door where they will meet with owners of small businesses.

If you’re missed during Small Business Week, a survey will be online from October 21 to November 4 survey.

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