Country Cannabis Sales Reach $907M in First Year of Legalization, Alberta Second Across Canada

Over $907 million was spent on cannabis in the first year of legalization.

Statistics Canada released a report on Wednesday highlighting the sales from the last two weeks of October 2018 to the end of September 2019.

Ontario spent the most, sitting at more than $216 million, with Alberta coming in second with over $195 million.

Quebec, who brought in around $1 million less than Alberta, was the only other province and territory that spent more than $66 million.

As of July 2019, there were 407 cannabis stores across Canada.

Alberta currently has the most shops as Alberta Gaming, Liquor & Cannabis has approved 176 shops across the province.

Around 50 per cent of Albertans also live within 3 km of a cannabis store, with the Canadian average at just 19 per cent.

The Northwest Territories comes in just behind Alberta with 44 per cent of residents at most living 3 km away from a shop.

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