‘Aggressive Steps’ Being Taken in Wood Buffalo To Combat COVID-19

Additional steps are being taken by the municipality and local organizations to combat any potential spread of the coronavirus.

The Regional Recreation Corporation of Wood Buffalo is shutting down their facilities, including MacDonald Island Park and the Wood Buffalo Regional Library, as of March 14.

They will be closed until further notice.

RRC CEO Graig Walsh says this is a drastic measure that needs to be taken to ensure everyone’s safety.

“We hope that with this measure we can really show our commitment to making sure that the safety and well-being of, not only, our staff but the residents of Wood Buffalo is taken into account.”

Also, the municipality is adopting a ‘business continuity plan’ to ensure key services can continue in the likelihood that multiple employees need to self-isolate.

Transit and garbage collection will remain available, however, recycling centres may be closed moving forward.

“As part of ensuring that we are sufficiently prepared, we are working within our departments to identify employees with special skills that can be redeployed to different areas should there be a workforce shortage situation,” added Annette Antoniak, RMWB CAO.

Meanwhile, Fire Chief Jody Butz says there’s no evidence to suggest there are any cases of COVID-19 in the region.

He adds the community needs to remain calm.

“I would advise everyone to educate yourself, plug yourself into the information… there’s no need to panic, everyone needs to take the necessary steps to protect themselves and by doing that we’re going to limit the transmission of this virus.”

The municipality is also advising residents that there’s no need to stockpile items.

They are continuing to work with Alberta Health Services, the province, industry partners, and Indigenous Leaders, to ensure appropriate measures are taken to combat the spread of the virus.

More information can be found on the GoA’s website.

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