GoA Allowing Select Childcare Facilities to Open for Essential Workers

Select child care facilities are being given the green light to reopen.

The provincial government is allowing 15,000 spots to open their doors for front line healthcare and infrastructure workers providing service during the COVID-19 pandemic.

If any spots remain, they will be offered to police officers and firefighters.

“All Albertans are relying on those who are working in core service areas like health care,” said Rebecca Schulz, Minister of Children’s Services. “That’s why we want to make sure child care is available for those who need it during this crisis

Parents will be notified this week through their employer if they qualify to send their children to the centres and parents are asked to only accept the spot if there is no other alternative for their child and is forcing them to work for home.

Payment for childcare will be expected at regular rates and a subsidy will be supplied for those who qualify.

The province is contacting childcare centres directly and they are being chosen based on proximity to hospitals.  They will have extremely strict guidelines to follow from Alberta Health Services in regards to cleaning and will only be allowed to have a maximum of 30 people.

The GoA os reminding Albertans that all other childcare facilities are to remain closed apart from approved registered day homes with 6 children or less.

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