RMWB Re-Opening Public Drop Off Area at Landfill

The municipality is re-opening the public drop off area at the Fort McMurray Regional Landfill.

Starting on Tuesday, people can once again use the facility from 8:15 a.m to 5:45 p.m. It was previously closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Not everything will be accepted as household hazardous waste, electronics, fridges, freezers, cardboard, paper, tins or plastic waste can’t be personally thrown away at this time.

Items for recycling that require double handling by staff such as paint, waste oil, hazardous waste, electronics (TV’s, computers, monitors, etc.), fridge, freezer or other CFC appliances, cardboard or paper products, household plastics (such as containers and tubs) and tin or aluminum cans are also restricted.

Residents can use the landfill if they plan on getting rid of household waste, mattresses and box springs, furniture, tires, scrap metal, construction, demolition, and renovations materials, soils (according to the acceptance guidelines) and brush, trees, and yard waste.

You will be required to use credit or debit to pay regular fees and charges as cash payments won’t be accepted.

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